6x395g Burns nedves kutyaeledel | Szabadon tartott csirke, sárgarépa, bio barna rizs

8,650Ft Bruttó


The Burns Penlan Farm Range includes three delicious varieties of moist food for dogs. Burns products are of premium quality and adapted to your dog’s natural requirements. They form the basis for a healthy diet. They are ethically produced and made using as many ingredients from the Burns’ own farm as possible. Those ingredients not grown on the farm are from sustainable, ethical sources. As with all Burns products, this is a high quality food developed to promote good health and behaviour.Burns Penlan Farm Range:Moist food for adult dogs from six months up to seniorIn 3 varieties with tasty rice and seasonal vegetablesWith valuable vitamins and minerals for optimal nutrient contentMade with home-grown and locally sourced ingredientsBurns production principles:Production of high-quality dog food to maintain and promote dogs’ healthUsing premium ingredients from the Burns farm and local suppliersHome-grown wheat and oats used as food supplement for Burns own chickenLow use of pesticides and no fertilisers – for organic grain cultivationSeasonal vegetables from the Burns farm as an important ingredient in all Penlan foodsHigh standards of animal welfareFree-range eggs in spacious enclosures live a stress-free, natural lifeEmploying eco-friendly farming methods to protect the environment and wildlifePlanting new hedges, meadows and forests to increase wildlife habitatsBurns Penlan Farm Range dog food supports and maintains your dog’s health.

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Partner webáruházaink: Zooplus.hu

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